Monthly Happenings

We are an active church with many special events happening throughout the year. Please contact Bethany for full details and times.

At Bethany:
We believe everyone has something to offer and gifted in some way.
We try to help people find that place where they really enjoy serving.
Service is carried out in teams.
Women and men have equal opportunities to serve.

Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School – after the opening worship time, all kids age 3 to grade 5 are welcome downstairs for a Bible story and another special activity each week. Led by a team of caring adults. Parents are welcome to attend with their children, or drop them off before 11:00 a.m. in the reserved pews at the front of the sanctuary. For questions, contact Pastor Jim at (416) 378-1897

Men’s Breakfast
Meets many Saturday mornings throughout the year from 9a.m. – 10a.m.
A  good breakfast and short spiritual reflection for all men and boys. Join us for conversation in the church basement. For questions, contact Pastor Jim.

Choir Practice
After church on Sundays.
Everyone is welcome to be part of our choir – a great group of singers who enjoy being together.

Women’s Christian Service Guild Meeting
Third Tuesday of each month at 1pm.
Join us for friendship, mission-awareness, guest speakers, and helping to make this world better. Come out and enjoy a relaxed afternoon while getting to know other females around Bethany. Feel free to dress casual and please use Pape Avenue entrance. We’ll finish by 2:30pm and then enjoy some refreshments. All women welcome!

Food Bank
Thursdays from 1:15 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Open to anyone in the community every Thursday. No appointment necessary for first-time guests – if you can, please bring photo ID, proof of address, income, and expenses.

Cash and Food Donations welcome! If you can, we always appreciate donations to help offset the expenses of our program, and/or non-perishable food items. Bring to the church on a Thursday or call to make arrangement. Thank you for your generosity!

For more information please click here or call the Bethany Foodbank Hotline at 647-366-9041

Youth News
East York Strategy Sport Leagues happen every Wednesday night from 6-8pm at Westwood Middle School. Co-ed Volleyball happens every fall and boys basketball happens each winter. Visit for more information.

East York Strategy YOLO After School Drop-In for Youth in grades 4-8. Drop in anytime Tuesdays from 3:15 pm – 5:15 pm for games in the gym, snack, speakers and more!

BLAST Youth Group for youth for anyone grade nine and above. Every Friday night from 7pm-9pm youth play volleyball, basketball, eat snacks and discuss world topics and close to home events. Enjoy a safe space to tackle difficult issues in our lives today.

For more information and detail on Bethany’s youth ministry speak with Bethany’s Youth Worker Carolyn (416-476-9483) or click here.

Bethany’s Prayer Teams
Bethany’s Prayer Teams  are committed to praying for you. If you share a specific prayer request, please contact Cindy Le Roy, 416-693-4958 and she will set the prayer chain in motion.