If you are a first time visitor we encourage you to take a look at this first time visitors pamphlet for more information about Bethany Baptist Church. We welcome you to join us. Currently we have two options for worship each Sunday morning: online on Zoom or in-person.
In-Person Worship
Each Sunday at 11am our sanctuary is filled with relaxed people coming together to hear from God and seek ways to follow Jesus more meaningfully. Everyone is welcome – dress as you are comfortable and come as you are! If you are feeling ill in any way, we ask you stay home and join us online instead for worship.
Online Worship from a Distance (ZOOM)
10:50am log on/visiting time
11am: worship begins
Tune in by phone for audio or with zoom for video and audio.
Phone numbers: from Toronto: 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588 — from anywhere in Canada: 1-647-558-0588 — (enter in the meeting ID: 429-191-6586#)
Zoom link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4291916586 (click “open zoom” and then click “join with audio”
If you missed a week of worship or would like to revisit any service please visit our YouTube channel here. Service is uploaded each week.
Our worship style is a mixture of both contemporary and traditional elements (often called a “blended style” of worship):
Our Worship Team leads the congregation in both traditional hymns and modern songs each week. The team of talented vocalists are accompanied by our pianist and sometimes other instruments.
Our Choir sings, sometimes there is a drama, creative dance, solo, YouTube video, or other creative elements in the service.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month; those who are sincere followers of Jesus are invited to take the bread and the cup in remembrance of Jesus, while those not yet ready to follow Jesus are simply asked to pass the bread and cup along when it is passed.
The sermons are intended to give practical insight into what it means to follow God in this century. Pastor Jim attempts to present the good news of God and the principles of the Bible accurately, creatively and insightfully, using stories, humour, current events, and life experiences.
Prayer Chain
Bethany Baptist Church is a church that believes in prayer and our Prayer Chain has been revised to insure that your prayer requests are dealt with in a timely manner and the Prayer Team is committed to praying for you. If you have a specific prayer request, please contact Pastor Jim Parker.
Children and Youth
Part-way into the service, children are invited to the front for a children’s time, and then they are invited to go downstairs for some age-appropriate programming by our qualified staff.
Youth Time provided for youth in grades 6 upwards.
Wheelchair Accessibility
Our sanctuary is fully accessible with a wheelchair ramp up the Cosburn doors with an automatic door to enter. We also now have a new lift which makes the whole church accessible for all!
Air-conditioned Sanctuary in Summer
We are able to worship in a comfortable setting through the often hot and humid weather of May to September. Summer worship time remains at 11am each Sunday.